When Good Teachers Go Strange
Some of the more amusing things I've
heard over the years
Benedictine University Instructors
Dennis Doyle
(In appreciation of your flawless style, you
get a page of your own.)
Steve Schroeder
(You had many so many one-liners, you get your own
page as well.)
Marco Benassi
Lucille: (a student) There's nothing
narrow-minded about this class.
Marco Benassi: Yeah, well, wait 'til you see your grade. [laughs]
Amy: (a student) I'm doing a monologue called (reads title) from the
collection For Women: Monologues They Haven't Heard.
Marco: You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard that one.
Dan Clampitt
- "U.S. News & World Distort"
Hans Klemmer
[talking about how a photographic print turned out]
Student: Did the fix not get on the edges enough?
Hans Klemmer: Maybe. The fix was probably a little tired.
Student: It wasn't the only one.
[talking about a wallpaper pattern]
Girl: It's in our bathroom. The wallpaper is yellow, the toilet is green…
Hans: You ought to clean it more often!
Girl: No, it's that icky olive-green-colored paint.
Frank Tourangeau
(about to give an extra-credit question on a quiz)
- Here's your super-extra-credit question…
(gets interrupted by a cell phone ringing)
- (continuing) "Who's calling?"
Lisa Tufo (Wheaton North H.S.)
"Tufo's Wonders"
(her nickname for her class)
(written at the end of some long instructions for an assignment)
"You are now DONE. Yeah for you!"
Mike Wimpelberg (Wheaton North H.S.)
[talking about another teacher, Mrs. Ryan]
- She's on steroids.
[talking about Mr. Beck, the head librarian]
- He's very intelligent. He could probably build a bomb and blow up
your car if he wanted to. But he wouldn't do that; he's a
nice guy.
[talking about men and masculinity]
- If one man says to another, "I like your sweater," it means
"I'm sorry." If the second guy says, "Thanks," it means "I accept."
[talking about building trust while one's kids are young]
- Give the kid "koochie-koochies."
[when a fly keeps landing on his pen]
- I've got flies in my pen!
- One student thought he was going to be funny, so he wrote on the cover
of his report, "Mr. Wimpy-berg. Ha ha." So I wrote back, "F. Ha
I didn't really give him an F. But he never tried that again!
- Don't be a pansy.
- (repeated line) Take it to Walgreen's!